Die neueste Version von Re-Loader oder ein klarer aktiver Treiber für Windows 10, der auch für Office 2016 aktiv ist
Diese Anwendung lädt als Loader für Windows und Office 2010, Office 2013 oder Office 2015, 2016 kann ändern, wie OEM-Daten uns proprietaden das System machen.
Wie einige Verse tun Windows podem ser ativadas com este carregador:
Windows XP
* Home Edition SP3
* Professional SP3
* Media Center Edition 2005 SP3
Windows Vista
* Unternehmen
* Firmennummer
* Ihm
* Firmennummer
* Gestartet
* Home Basic
* Heimatbasis N
* Home-Premium
* Zuletzt
Windows 7
* Unternehmen
* Firmennummer
* Firma E
* Gestartet
* Und für den Anfang
* Home Basic
* Home-Premium
* Home Premium E
* Fachmann
* Profi-Nr
* Zuletzt
* Letztes E
* Eingebaute POS-Pronto
* Inbegriffen
* PC gut an
Windows 8
* Unternehmen
* Firmennummer
* Testemunho
* Ncleo-Nr
* Ncleo-ARM
* Ncleo ist nicht spezifisch
* Ncleo-Nico-Idiom
* Fachmann
* WMC-Profi
* Profi-Nr
Über Windows
* Unternehmen
* Firmennummer
* Fachmann
* Profi-Nr
* WMC-Profi
* Testemunho
* Ncleo verbunden
* Ncleo Connected N
* Ncleo Connected nico-Idiom
* Ncleo Connected Nicht spezifisch
* Berufsschüler
* Berufsschüler Nr.
* Ncleo-ARM
* Ncleo-Nr
* Ncleo-Nico-Idiom
* Ncleo Pass-spezifisch
* Aufgenommen in Indien
* Incorporado Indstria E
* Inkorporierte Industrie
Windows 10
* Fachmann
* Profi-Nr
* Ausbildung
* Bildung nein
* Unternehmen
* Firmennummer
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB Nr
* Incio
* Zoom nein
* Incio-Nico-Idiom
* Zoom speziell angepasst
Vorherige Ausgabe Win10
* Incio verbunden
* Incio Connected N.
* Incio Connected nico-Idiom
* Incio Connected Nicht spezifisch
* Berufsschüler
* Berufsschüler Nr.
* Professioneller LTSB 2015
* Professional 2015 LTSB Nr
* Home-ARM
* WMC-Profi
Windows Server 2008
* ServerRechenzentrum
* ServerDatacenterV
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseV
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* Serverstandard
* ServerDefaultV
* ServerComputeCluster
* Webserver
* StandardserverSBSS
* ServerWin Foundation
* ServerHomeStandard
* Serverlösung
* ServerHomePremium
Windows Server 2008 R2
* ServerRechenzentrum
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* Serverstandard
* Serverlösung
* ServerHPC
* Webserver
* ServerSBSPrime
* StandardserverSBSS
* Standard-Serverspeicher
Windows Server 2012
* ServerRechenzentrum
* Serverstandard
* ServerMultiPointPremium
* ServerMultiPointStandard
* Serverlösung
* ServerWin Foundation
* Standard-Serverspeicher
* ServerStorageWorkgroup
TP für Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2016
* ServerStandardCore
* Serverstandard
* ServerDatacenterCore
* ServerRechenzentrum
* SolutionCore
* Lösung
* ServerCloudStorageCore
* ServerCloudStorage
* Standard-Serverspeicher
Windows Server 2016 der nächsten Generation
* ServerARM64
* ServerHI
Büro 2010
* Betreten
* Excel
* Sulco
* InfoPfad
* Achtung!
* Ausblick
* Power Point
* ProjectPro
* ProjektStd
* ProPlus
* Editor
* Padro
* VisioPrem
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Palavra
Schreiben 2013
* Betreten
* Excel
* InfoPfad
* Lync
* Achtung!
* Ausblick
* Power Point
* ProjectPro
* ProjektStd
* ProPlus
* Editor
* Padro
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Palavra
* Betreten
* Excel
* Achtung!
* Ausblick
* Power Point
* ProjectPro
* ProjektStd
* ProPlus
* Editor
* Skype für Unternehmen
* Padro
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Palavra
.NET oder Windows 2012/07/08.
Was ist los:
* Löst Phase mit OEM.
* Beschleunigen Sie das Win7-OEM-Betriebssystem.
Sehr einfache und schnelle Aktivierung
1- Klicken Sie auf boto direito no con ” Re-Loader ” opo ” Executer como Administrador ”
2- Na janela que abrir-Clique “Eu Aceito”
3- Klicken Sie auf “Ativar”
4- Klicken Sie auf “SIM”
5- Hoffe für ein paar Sekunden und V wird bald in der Windows-Taskleiste erscheinen
Wenn Windows 10 Pro funktioniert!
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Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22000.160 Office 2021 for VMware Workstati torrent
Windows 11 Professional + Office 2021 für VMware Workstation
– Die Fenster
Workstation Version 11 Pro (DEV-Kanal)
Architektur: x64
Veröffentlicht: 19. August 2021
Tastatursprache: en-US
Windows ist aktiviert, nicht das Passwort des Benutzers
Dies ist die vollständige, leere Version von Windows 11, einschließlich aller Funktionen.
– Büro
Version: Office 2021 ProPlus VL LTSC
Architektur: x64
Sprache: en-US
Anwendungen: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Access, Teams, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive, Skype for Business
Büro ist aktiviert
– VMware
Kompatibilität: Workstation
Speicher: 4 GB (wenn möglich mehr Speicher sparen)
CPU-Kerne: 4 (erhöhen Sie die Anzahl der Kerne, wenn möglich)
VMware Tools: installierte Version
Verwendung: Extrahieren Sie Windows 11 Pro + Office an den gewünschten Speicherort (Standardordner = Windows 11 Pro + Office 2021).
Starten Sie VMware Workstation und öffnen Sie die Datei im Ordner Windows 11 Pro + Office
Entfernt: Los
Erfahren Sie mehr über Windows 11 Insider Preview Build
Erfahren Sie mehr über Office 2021 LTSC
Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview (x64) für VMWare Workstation
Tastatursprache: en-US
Hardwarekompatibilität: Workstation
Speicher: 4 GB
CPU-Kerne: 2
Entfernt: Microsoft OneDrive
Installation: Entpacken Sie Windows 11 Pro (x64) .7z an den gewünschten Ort (Standardordner = Windows 11 Pro (x64)) und öffnen Sie die Windows 11 Pro (x64) .vmx-Datei
Entfernt: Los
Windows ist aktiviert
Um mehr über die Insider-Vorschau von Windows 11 Pro zu erfahren:
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Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2} Download
* Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020
* Construction of version 1909
* To file:
* Capacity: 4.58 GB
* Format: Bootable ISO
* CRC32: b5d5bb48
* MD5: 6c12a5af01136f88f80ab8a4e53058d8
* SHA-1: 901f35901af5493ba0df2e6fb00c5b6f5cd91345
Integrated / pre-installed:
* Update of the service chimney:
* KB4524569
* Cumulative update:
* KB4532695
* .NET framework
* Cumulative update
* .NET Framework and:
* KB4534132
* Flash Player Security Update:
* KB4516115
Complete / install:
* Defender updates
* Brazil
* ENGLISH (United States)
* Windows 10 Professional – STD
* Windows 10 Professional – DLA
* Windows 10 Professional – OEM
* STD = standard installation – for those who have their own license key
* DLA = digital license activation (HWID)
* OEM – automatically activated during installation
* same version as original equipment
* UEFI preparation
* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to make UEFI bootable)
* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (Microsoft DaRT)
* compressed in recovery format ()
* Create a bootable Rufus USB (highly recommended),
* (included) or slowly burn a DVD-DL.
* WindowsAddict, author of the Windows activation script
* I hope you like this edition!
* Respectfully,
* Generation 2
Windows 10 X64 20H2 Pro OEM ESD MULTi-7 APRIL 2021
Building version 20H2
* To file:
* Capacity: 4.98 GB
* Format: Bootable ISO
* CRC32: bae2d5f6
* MD5: 482ced0a25e02c69bc7f5858c9c30f3b
* SHA-1: 1158c7c2f86c5e36da561b3eb7c2ce9dea8de0d0
Integrated / pre-installed:
* Update of the service chimney:
* KB4598481
* Cumulative update:
* KB5001330
* NET framework
* Cumulative update
* NET Framework and:
* KB4601554
Complete / install:
* Defender updates
* Brazil
* ENGLISH (United States)
* Windows 10 Professional – STD
* Windows 10 Professional – DLA
* Windows 10 Professional – OEM
* STD = standard installation – for those who have their own license key
* DLA = digital license activation (HWID)
* OEM – automatically activated during installation
* same version as original equipment
* UEFI preparation
* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to make UEFI bootable)
* Diagnostic and recovery toolkit (only)
* compressed in recovery format ()
* Create a bootable Rufus USB (highly recommended),
* (included) or slowly burn a DVD-DL.
* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script
* I hope you like this edition!
* Respectfully,
* Generation 2
Download uTorrent |
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- Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2} Torrent Download
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Microsoft Excel 2019 Torrent
Microsoft Excel 2019 VL
The new version of the program is great!
Developer: Fengtao Software Inc.
Read: ShareVare
Languages: More + Russian
Size: 174 + 188 + 161 + 217 MB
OS: Windows
How to install:
1). Instructions are included if necessary.
2). That’s all, enjoy
Important Note: Microsoft Excel 2016 is no longer a download button for this program that will direct you to the latest version of Excel. You can also find out the Premium version and take advantage of Office for unsigned territories. Microsoft Excel 2016 is the latest entry into the popular Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software, along with other Office 2016 productivity networks. This latest version of Excel is sleek and improved, with all the features it had before and a few more that provide greater convenience (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); The biggest new feature of Microsoft Excel 2016 is that it automatically suggests the appropriate graphics and charts for the data you process. This changes the look of a simple table or stack of data into something that can be easily added to a PowerPoint presentation or displayed on its own. This feature works well. By the way, so is other software: it highlights data trends on your demand, and like other Office 2016, it provides real-time collaboration by increasing productivity in the Microsoft OneDrive cloud. Basically, Microsoft Excel 2016 is useful for companies that are afraid of adding costs to a new Office suite. All of its features are improved, non-reduced, productivity, and still the same Excel that has been used by many companies over the years. As such, Microsoft Office 2016 is great to get involved with and is generally the best choice for any medium or large enterprise looking to invest in long-term productivity.
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Windows PE (WinPE) for Windows 10 x86
Windows PE (WinPE) for Windows 10 is a small operating system used to install, deploy and repair Windows 10 for PC editions (Home, Pro and Enterprise), Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview and other Windows operating systems.
From Windows PE you can:
Prepare the hard drive before installing Windows.
Install Windows using applications or scripts from a network or local drive.
Capture and use Windows images.
Change Windows before it starts.
Set up an automatic recovery tool.
Recover data from a device that cannot be started.
Add your own dedicated shell or graphical interface to automate these types of tasks.
What is Windows PE?
Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) is a minimal, limited service, core-based operation for Windows 10. It is used to prepare your computer for Windows installation, copy images from network file server disks, and start Windows installation.
Windows PE is not intended to be a computer’s primary operating system, but rather to be used as a separate preinstalled environment as an integral part of other delivery and recovery technologies.
This WinPE is made from the ADK for Windows 10. It is compatible with all operating systems because it is based on the latest version (Windows 10), including (Oscdimg folder).
This torrent has the following content:
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SQLyog free download torrent
Easy MySQL Database Management with SQLyog GUI provides a complete graphical interface that makes it easy to use powerful MySQL features, even for managing and querying MySQL databases. SQL’s intuitive graphical user interface makes it easy to manage all aspects of the MySQL database. Simple tasks can be performed using many predefined tools and functions, more complex tasks can be created using a graphical editor that generates useful queries in the correct SQL syntax for execution and training. SQLyog can manage databases of any size and use HTTP SSH tunnels to make remote access easy and secure. Transferring data from an external ODBC-compatible database is also easy with built-in import (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Unlocking MySQL Undoubtedly, the MySQL engine is very powerful and flexible, but managing its functions using the standard text interface is very scary for beginners and even a little difficult for advanced users. SQLyog removes this barrier by making even the deepest functions available through a friendly and easily accessible interface. The main disadvantage is the complex pricing structure, which offers several editions with different features and functions, loaded with specific improvements for the user.
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Vscode update download
Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code is one of the best open source projects on GitHub that you can download for free. In this project, there were a total of 22,606 commitments undertaken in 66 subsidiaries with 77 editions of 360 associates. The amazing community called the project vscode.
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Windows 10 Pro Lite Build 1511-10586 (32-bit) Download
This is an updated version of Windows 10 based on version 1511-10586 (update for November or TH2). As expected, the minimum system requirements remain the same, although this custom version of Windows should run faster than the original, due to the changes listed below.
This is another version, a version that supports 32-bit processors. My profile also has the first 64-bit version.
Equipment requirements
Processor: 1 GHz (GHz) or faster processor with NX / PAE
SSE2 (if Windows 8 works, it works too)
RAM: 1 GB for 64-bit version (technically only 512 MB required)
Hard disk space: 20 GB
Video card: DirectX 9 or later
Changes and information (most important in any case):
-Most Metro programs, except Edge, Store and Calculator, have been removed
-Most minor drivers (such as graphics, printers, networks) have been removed
They need to be downloaded and installed manually according to the configuration of your computer
-Some accessibility features have been removed
-Delete Cortana call and support
-Search deleted (search bar in Explorer is still running)
-Windows Media Player removed
-A turned on the Windows Photo Viewer, which can be used instead of the Photos subway program, even if the images first open in Paint until the user changes the default program to the Windows Photo Viewer.
sleep mode in sleep mode
-Delete page file
-The firewall has been removed (although in some cases it may appear while using the program, and the service has not been removed because it is necessary)
-The Windows update has not yet been removed, but its functionality cannot be guaranteed because I always turn it off (you still need to install programs from the store)
-Commercial programs should work well
-Game store no longer works (I did not understand why). Howevernon-UWP games (such as CS: GO) should work as drivers are updated
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Activator CMD Windows 10 1809 and Office 2019 Torrent
– a folder containing cmd for activating windows 10 and office 2019 for 180 days
C2R -R2V is a folder containing cmd for converting Office 2019 retail to a corporate license
textbooks included!
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Windows 10 X86 21H1 10in1 OEM en-US MARCH 2021 {Gen2} Torrent
Windows 10 X86 21H1 10in1 OEM en-US MAC 2021
Version 21H1 Build
* File:
* Size: 3.51 GB
* Format: ISO loading
* CRC32: ba466ecd
* MD5: 5fe982029895f37e3a51d6fcd8461357
* SHA-1: 4ebf3222d56f909c86a379be27cad170a305bdda
Integrated / installed:
* Service:
* Cumulative updates:
* KB5001649
* NET Framework
* Accumulated updates for
* NET Framework and:
* KB4601554
Complete inventory / installation:
* Defender update
* Windows 10 Home – – – – STD / DLA / OEM
* Windows 10 Pro – – – – – STD / DLA / OEM
* Windows 10 education – STD / DLA
* Windows 10 Enterprise – STD / DLA
* STD = Standard installation – For those who have their own license key
* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)
* OEM – Will be activated automatically if you install
* The same version of the original equipment
* UEFI available
* (Use the built-in Rufus USB tool to make it UEFI bootable)
* Diagnostic and recovery tools (only)
* Make USB bootable (recommended) with Rufus,
* (attached) or by burning a DVD-R at low speed.
* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script
* I hope you like this post!
* Hello,
* Generation 2
Windows 10 X64 21H1 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD in USA MAY 2021
Version 21H1 Build
* File:
* Size: 4.20 GB
* Format: ISO loading
* CRC32: e2d9483c
* MD5: e3b8595d21c6c151d44cf177f37675a3
* SHA-1: 11af7a096e7d02faf91471bedd04d6ab29d3dec7
Integrated / installed:
* Update of the service package:
* Cumulative updates:
* KB5003214
* NET Framework
* Accumulated updates for
* NET Framework and:
* KB5003254
* Windows 10 Pro – STD
* Windows 10 Pro – DLA
* Windows 10 Pro – OEM
* STD = Standard installation – For those who have their own license key
* DLA = Enable Digital License (HWID)
* OEM – Will be activated automatically if you install
* The same version of the original equipment
* UEFI available
* (Use the built-in Rufus USB tool to make it UEFI bootable)
* Diagnostic and recovery tools (only)
* compressed in recovery format ()
* Make USB bootable (recommended) with Rufus,
* (attached) or by burning a DVD-R at low speed.
* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script
*I hope you like this post!
* Hello,
* Generation 2
Download uTorrent |
- Windows 10 X86 21H1 10in1 OEM en-US MARCH 2021 {Gen2} Torrent
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