Architecture: x86 x64
Language: PT-BR
File format: ESD
BIOS: UEFI / Legacy
Iso Loans grown by OinfoTecnoSys
***** MD5 SHA *****
MD5 Check: D0C8C890C9FA56E860AD554C323FC4E7
Check for SHA-1: 50AF599B3B1BD6284E1F98C278C1B1D7F75F4BCD
MD5 Check: 1601848BF0192D777720A401B949AF8A
Check for SHA-1: 43964C908702608C13BB1EC138D9CA6F264C19E5
MD5 Check: E3469A0C76DC03054481E75C657A89BE
Check for SHA-1: 4BA01A6B4A28C97E61DB6E896ED01B35F5421CBD
***** Components *****
R: Distance Support
A: Ondrive
A: Localization Services
A: Streaming from Midia
A: Windows Internal Information Center
D: Internet Explorer
D: media player
***** Multimedia *****
A: Intel Indeo Codecs
R: Games Explorer
R: hold the enzyme
R: Bloqueio fabric covers
A: MPEG-2 splitter
A: Other topics
A: Ready to play
R: Towel protector
R: Reconhecimento Blood
A: I play a DVD
A: Som Padro
A: Windows IFilter TIFF (OCR)
***** ***** System
D: Unidade Bitlocker cryptography
M: Windows recovery
M: Windows backup
M: System Restoration
R: Disco Cota
A: Wordpad
A: Passos Recorder
A: Windows Defender
A: Notify or find
A: Cash. NET Installation
R: proximity
A: Senha from Imagem
A: Windows Conteudo Support
A: Easy to transfer
***** Hardware support *****
R: An infravermelho device
A: Miacast display devices
A: Jogos Peripherals (Xbox GIP)
***** Translate *****
A: All sources
A: Iaith Pawb
A: Some keyboard layouts
****** Windows Applications *****
A: Microsoft Edge (New)
A: All except the Calculator
A: Cortana – Research
A: Update active drivers for isntalao (no change in concentration)
***** Activated *****
A – Network framework e
***** OBS *****
It was not installed, but was removed,
why it is written enough to know whether it will be low or not
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- Windows 10 Pro Lite pt-BR x86/x64 Dez 2020 18363.1256 torrent
- Windows 10 Pro Lite pt-BR x86/x64 Dez 2020 18363.1256 torrent